Quick Guide: How to Mail Checks

Quick Guide: How to Mail Checks

To quickly mail a check to your vendor, follow these steps using the provided API payload.

POST {{baseUrl}}/quickpay/mailcheck

Payload Structure:

  1. {
        "source" :
            "accountType" : "bankaccount",
            "accountId"   :  "{{bankAccountId}}"
            "name": "John Myres",
            "company": "Tyler Payment Technologist",
            "address1" :"5007 richmond rd",
            "memo":"for game",
            "note": "Note For Internal Purpose",
            "issueDate" : "2024-07-01"

Explanation of Payload Fields:

  • source:

    • accountType: Type of account being used (e.g., bank account).
    • accountId: The unique identifier for the bank account being debited.
  • destination:

    • name: The recipient's full name.
    • company: The recipient's company name.
    • address1: The first line of the recipient's address.
    • address2: The second line of the address (optional).
    • city: The city where the check is being sent.
    • state: The state abbreviation.
    • zip: The ZIP code.
    • phone: The recipient's contact number.
    • email: The recipient's email address for communication.
    • shippingTypeId: The type of shipping selected (e.g., standard, expedited).
  • payment_details:

    • amount: The amount to be paid via check.
    • memo: A short note regarding the payment purpose.
    • note: Internal notes for reference.
    • issueDate: The date the check is issued.

Example Usage:

This payload will instruct the system to mail a check for $984 to John Myres at Tyler Payment Technologist. The check will be issued on July 1, 2024, with a memo for "game" and an internal note for reference.

Make sure to replace {{baseUrl}} and {{bankAccountId}} with your actual base URL and bank account ID.

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