How to enable webhook in sandbox?

How to enable webhook in sandbox?

To enable webhook, Go to More >> Developer Panel 

Under the Webhook settings window, provide the necessary details. 

Webhook Signature Validation

To secure our webhook events, we are signing the HTTP request body with an HMAC using the secret as the signing key. Every webhook created has a secret used to sign requests with a signature header allowing listeners to validate requests. All webhook request messages are sent with a signature header key which should be used to validate the message payload. The algorithm calculates the HMAC of the HTTP request body in bytes using the webhook secret as the key (via SHA-256). If the calculated HMAC matches the value in the signature, then the message should be considered valid if the HMAC validation fails, the message should be discarded.

Code Snippet - PHP Example
  1. // Your secret key or token
  2. $secretKey = 'your_secret_key';
  3. // The payload and signature received from the webhook
  4. $payload = json_encode($payload); // Replace with the actual way you retrieve the payload
  5. $receivedSignature = $_SERVER['HTTP_SIGNATURE']; // Replace 'HTTP_SIGNATURE' with the actual header key signature

  6. // Calculate the expected signature
  7. $expectedSignature = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $secretKey);

  8. // Compare the received and expected signatures
  9. if (hash_equals($expectedSignature, $receivedSignature)) {
  10.     // Signature is valid, proceed to process the webhook data
  11.     // ...
  12. } else {
  13.     // Signature is invalid
  14.     // Handle the error
  15. }

For quick reference and immediate information about our API, please, visit this link 


For requests or more detailed information about our API, please, send your inquiry to us at Our development team will be in contact. 

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